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15% Discount (Code: NPVLVFRLT5EF)
We offer a 15% discount for an order over $399. To activate, enter the coupon code in the "Discount Code" box during checkout, and a 15% discount will be automatically applied to your order. This code may not be combined with any other discounts.
10% Discount (Code: N46A0I8Y2UXL)
We offer a 10% discount for an order over $199. To activate, enter the coupon code in the "Discount Code" box during checkout, and a 10% discount will be applied to your order over $199. This code may not be combined with other discounts.
5% Discount (Code: KUZLJGFOG6A2)
We offer a 5% discount for an order over $99. To activate, enter the coupon code in the "Discount Code" box during checkout, and a 5% discount will be applied to your order over $99. This code may not be combined with other discounts.
Discount for Returning Customers (Code: QW26O8QNMT8V)
We offer a 10% discount for any products ordered by a returning customer. If you already have an account with us, please log into your account and enter the coupon code in the "Discount Code" box during checkout for the discount to be applied to your order. If you do not have an account with us, please create an account with the same email address used for your previous order. Then login and enter the coupon code in the "Discount Code" box during checkout for the discount to be applied to your order. This discount code may not be combined with other discounts.
All Students Get 10% Off
All students can benefit from a 10% student discount for all products in an order. Please send us anything which can prove you are a student by email. Upon receiving proof of student status, we will send a discount code to your email. To redeem your coupon, simply enter your coupon code in the "Discount Code" box on the checkout page, and the discount will be applied to your order. This 10% discount may not be combined with other discounts.
Special Discount for Teacher, Nurse, Firefighter, Police and Military Personnel
We also offer a 10% discount for any product you order if you are a teacher, nurse, firefighter, police man, or military personnel. Please send us anything which can prove your employment status. Upon receiving verification of employment in a school, hospital, public and/or military system, we will send a discount code to your email. To redeem your coupon, simply enter your coupon code in the "Discount Code" box on the checkout page, and the discount will be applied to your order. This 10% discount may not be combined with other discounts.

From The Blog
Why choose Ellisi Gifts?
Jul 12, 2017
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Mar 18, 2017
Having your photography subjects stand in front of urban gackgrounds can help create unique photos and enhance your personalized photo...“This is my favorite metal print that I had ever ordered. Brilliant looks, vibrant color, clear images. Never thought it would look this nice with such low price! I can see that I bought the right gift when I saw the impression on my wife's face. She loves it!”
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